Support Coordinators / Specialist Support Coordinators (Kalgoorlie/Goldfields Region)

Selection Criteria

We are looking for Support Coordinators and Specialist Support Coordinators to cover the Kalgoorlie/Goldfields regional area to join our team.

If you are located in the Kalgoorlie region or are based in the Perth metropolitan area and would be prepared to travel on a regular basis to the Kalgoorlie/Goldfields region this position is for you!

How To Apply For This Position:

Please submit a cover letter addressing the required criteria for the role you are applying for.  The criteria details are located in both of the attached JDF's.  Please also include in your cover letter how you can demonstrate your established network within the Kalgoorlie/Goldfields region.

If you believe you are the right person for this role, we look forward to receiving your application.

If you have any queries relating to these positions, please contact us at or call us at M:0420 849 475.

Download JDF
Facilitatrix Specialist Support Coordinator JDF 30082023.pdf
Facilitatrix Support Coordinator JDF 30082023.pdf

Apply Now addressing the above criteria

Acknowledgement of Country

The Facilitatrix Team is situated on Whadjuk Nyoongar Boodjar and works across the lands known as Western Australia. We have staff located across the lands known as Australia.

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians throughout these lands, and pay our respects to their Elders, past and present. We recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities’ strength and resilience in the face of colonisation and honour their continuing connection to land, water, and skies. We support the values that they have lived, for generations: inclusivity, sustainability, and regeneration.

Aboriginal FlagTorres Strait Flag

Acknowledgement of Lived Experience

We recognise and support the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and are committed to upholding the convention and supporting carers, families, service providers and the community to do the same. We acknowledge and respect the unique experiences of those with a lived experience of disability.

Disability Flag

Acknowledgement of Diversity

We embrace diversity and support the elimination of all forms of discrimination, welcoming people irrespective of their age, faith, cultural background, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, neurodiversity, ethnicity, and perspective.

Pride Progress Flag